MOUNTAIN BIKING: Badger Creek North Trail



This trail will start you off on dirt some rocks and roots passing the rest area. I like to go straight not left at the rest area. Next you come across the flat rock bluffs. Now you travel up the hillside facing some technical rocky sections. There is some areas to pick up speed. You will find some nice challenging stream crossing along the way. Now heading down the back side of the hill you get into the technical rocky part of the trail. This will take you back to the top front side of what I call Boulder Heights. You will ride over and through the large boulder formations. You are now on your way back to the trailhead. Don't miss the old bunker near the end of this trail. Now back to the trailhead you can enjoy the rest area.


Fall River Lake is located off HWY 400 between HWY 99 and HWY 75. You will see the sign for Fall River State Park at road Z50. Turn north and follow to the first road and turn right. This is Lake Road. Follow Lake Road over the Fall River Lake Dam to the first road and turn left. You will see a sign that has Quarry Bay Area. Follow the road up the hill past the maintenance building on your right to the first road and turn left. This is Badger Creek Road. Follow Badger Creek Road a few miles till you see the large low water bridge. Just past the bridge is a sharp turn to the left . You will see a small parking area and the trailhead. Enjoy your ride and be safe.